Sunday, December 1, 2013

The cherry.

She wanted to have a party for her fiftieth birthday.

We joined her at the trailer that weekend. 

The morning of her party,

She accidentally stepped off the deck.

She broke both her knees. 



I saw her step down. 

It was non-climatic. 

But, it hurt. 

I saw the pain in her face.  

Her right knee required surgery.

She wore a brace on the left.

She was unable to walk. 

She could not get into a vehicle. 

No weight bearing allowed for a minimum of ten weeks. 

She could not come home.


She could not come home.

She spent the entire summer in the hospital.


The doctors diagnosed osteoporosis.

A side effect of the steroids she had been taking to treat her Crohns disease.


This is the same medication that had almost killed her four years prior.

Now, it had caused her bones to be so brittle she broke both her knees. 

She was fifty years old. 

I was afraid.

How much can she take? 

I was afraid she would just...snap! 

Our brains can only deal with so much. 

She had already lost her beloved child. 

Now this?

Would it ever end for her? 


I knew I needed to help her stay positive. 

I visited her every day. 

I took her food. 

I kept her company. 

She and I planned our Nana’s one hundredth birthday party. 

She travelled via a wheelchair accessible bus.

I took her for walks just to get her outside.

I pushed her to restaurants.

She was desperate to leave the ward. 

So much so, she went to a restaurant with her broken legs out in front of her and her catheter bag hanging below her.

Somehow, she stayed sane.

She healed.

She could walk again.

She was able to return to her home. 

The Doctors gave her the green light to go back to work. 

She was so happy. 

I was amazed at her resiliency. 

She was elated to be getting her life back.

Two days, before returning to work...

Her boss came to HER home...

And...fired her.

They had made her position redundant.   

She cried and cried and cried. 

She was inconsolable. 

She loved her job.

She loved her clients. 


Zapped her self-confidence.

Crushed her faith.

Broke her heart.

Hurt her feelings.

Squished, right out of her, the only reason she had left to get out of bed every morning.

They did not care about her at all. 

She was humiliated because she believed they did. 

Her recovery focus was all about getting back to work.

She had worked so hard. 

She was out of work for an entire year. 

She applied for hundreds of jobs. 

She took more college courses. 

The depression snuck in quietly, but, inevitably. 

I became enraged as I saw her losing the battle.

‘No way man!’ 

‘ No way.’

I could not let this company take any more from her.

She had survived so much already.



I needed to do something. 

I had to push her...hard. 

I was scared.

I wasn’t sure if it would work and I wasn’t sure if it was right. 

I called her lazy. 

I bossed her. 

I was cold. 

I was not empathetic.

I was pushy. 

She was mad... so mad. 

Then she was sad.

She was broken. 

I had broke her. 

What had I done?



No contact.

It was deafening.

She let me persuade her that day. 

She found even more strength somehow. 

She prevailed. 

Physically she had healed.

Mentally and emotionally.....she was born again. 

She became employed. 

She felt valued and respected. 

Her days had purpose once again. 

She said she owed me. 

She said she couldn’t have done it without me.


We couldn’t have done any of it without one another.

We both knew that.

So, we never had to say it. 

Not once.